Our Curriculum Offer
The National Curriculum has been used as a starting point for our subject curriculums. Our middle leaders, who are experts in their subjects, have selected the best that has been thought, said, made, played and discovered to craft challenging and inspirational subject curriculums and extra-curricular offers. Leaders have carefully planned schemes of learning to ensure our students develop the substantive and disciplinary knowledge to enable them to achieve success in their learning.
Our curriculum is also carefully designed around our whole school vision and values. We believe that while academic success is vital for our students, so too is their personal development and ensuring that our young people are kind, honest, curious and hard working. Our curriculum is designed around these principles and through this, we challenge and support all of our students to become exemplary young people of whom we can all be proud.
We offer a flexible curriculum where appropriate to meet individual needs that may relate to academic, emotional, physical or health related barriers. This is balanced against ensuring students retain a range of subjects that ensure they can progress to the next stage of their education journey or work.
More detail on the subject curriculums, including video overviews, can be found by clicking on the subject menu to the right of this page.
Year Group Themes
Both the subject and wider curriculums for each year group are designed around themes; these themes ensure that all students get the experience we set out for them in our vision statement.
Year 7 is all about new experiences, making new friends and trying new things. Students from over twenty different primary schools come together to begin their academic journey at Ryedale School. All students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, where they will study 16 different subjects in a range of mixed ability groups and sets. Our wide range of exciting practical and arts-based subjects are taught on a carousel to ensure Y7 students get an in-depth experience of a variety of subjects including drama, art textiles, music, art, design and technology, FPN, textile design, and computing. All students will choose at least one extra-curricular activity from the wide range on offer.
Experiences in Year 7 provide the platform for deeper learning in Year 8. Students build their knowledge and expertise across the full and broad range of subjects. Across all subject areas, independent learning is developed in Year 8. There is a whole school emphasis on self-regulation, as students learn how to plan, model, and evaluate their work effectively.
The emphasis this year is looking beyond the immediate school environment and recognising and appreciating life outside and beyond Ryedale School. This includes travel and career opportunities, as well as encounters with different cultures and faiths. Students will develop their understanding of others, understand what we have in common and how we are all different and do so with respect and tolerance for others. Students continue to receive a broad learning experience in Year 9. All students continue to study a modern foreign language and are asked to select the one language that they will focus on and become expert in. At the end of this year, students choose their four options subjects.
GCSE teaching begins in Year 10 and students become increasingly independent and more responsibility for their own learning.
The KS4 journey continues for students as they complete their GCSE studies in the lead up to the summer examination period, whilst also looking towards their next steps in education. A study skills programme is delivered to students and parents to ensure that they are fully prepared for and successful in their examinations. |