Ryedale School

Ryedale School is committed to combining the very best educational provision with high expectations and traditional values. In doing so we challenge and support students both to fulfil their academic potential and become exemplary young people of whom we can all be proud.This unites us in our commitment to ‘Aspire and Achieve’

Ryedale School is committed to combining the very best educational provision with high expectations and traditional values.The Ryedale Values of Honesty, Kindness and Respect are woven into the fabric of our community.A creative and inclusive atmosphere in which individual talents are nurtured and allowed to flourish. We believe in providing the right blend of challenge and support to enable all learners to maximise their potential in every aspect of school life.Thriving art, music and technology departments have a huge impact on the life of the school, creating exciting opportunities both inside the classroom and as extra-curricular experiences.

School Policies and Information

School Policies and Information

Please click on the links below to access some of our key school policies. If you wish to access a policy that is not listed, please contact Kate Davis, PA to the Headteacher  execpa@ryedale-rlt.co.uk
 Anti-bullying Policy 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Attendance Policy 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Behaviour Policy 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Child Protection Policy 24-25 .pdfDownload
 Equality Policy.pdfDownload
 Home to School Agreement Policy.pdfDownload
 Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2025.pdfDownload
 SEND Information Report 2024-2025.pdfDownload
 Uniform Policy.pdfDownload
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