Ryedale School

Ryedale School is committed to combining the very best educational provision with high expectations and traditional values. In doing so we challenge and support students both to fulfil their academic potential and become exemplary young people of whom we can all be proud.This unites us in our commitment to ‘Aspire and Achieve’

Ryedale School is committed to combining the very best educational provision with high expectations and traditional values.

Sports Leaders Award

Sports Leaders Award

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‘Through a range of leadership experiences, young people can acquire skills and learn behaviours which not only develop them as individuals but as drivers of change for others.’ (Youth Sports Trust)

At Ryedale School all students who choose GCSE PE learn how to be a Sports Leader. The students will take part in practical lessons where they will acquire the skills to be effective leaders. They will then play an integral part in helping to run Sports Competitions for the Primary Schools on Friday afternoons. This includes the students umpiring, coaching, scoring, leading warmups and sometimes being responsible for mini competitions. Those that excel will have the opportunity to be Senior Leaders where they will take on the important role of organising other leaders.

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